Many people have heard that cosmetic acupuncture is a healthy alternative to botox, but did you know that this natural therapy has also successfully treated many skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and acne? Although one treatment of acupuncture may be enough to reduce skin irritations by 50%, you’ll want to consult a doctor of oriental medicine for advice on the number of treatments necessary for your individual case. All these skin issues may cause you to feel less than beautiful, however, it is important to remember that the acupuncture treatment is not about making you beautiful, it is about making you healthy so that your beauty can shine through. With that in mind, be sure to consult your acupuncture physician regarding changes to your diet for the best results. Often adding different vitamins and herbs to your daily regimen work well in conjunction with your acupuncture treatments to fully restore the skin to a healthy state. Contact Palm Wellness today so that our licensed acupuncture physicians can design a treatment plan, complete with dietary suggestions, for your optimal health. Photo courtesy of Brad Bethell Photography
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Blog postings by Natalie Maddox Rougie, AP, DACM owner of Palm Wellness in Tampa, FL.
September 2022