I think people genuinely wonder two things about acupuncture. First, does it really work? Second, would it be something helpful to themselves and to what capacity?
Quite often I find myself responding to these types of inquiries with a trip down memory lane. Truth be told, I love scrolling through my mind thinking about all the people that have come into my life looking for improved health using Chinese Medicine. I’d be lying if I said that I help everyone that comes into my office. I’d also be lying if I said that everyone loves acupuncture, because some can’t stand to lay there with acupuncture needles sticking out of their skin. I can honestly, state that the majority find improved health using Chinese Medicine and that the majority fall asleep to the point of snoring during a treatment. Currently in a typical week this is what I’m treating: a lot of seasonal allergies ( the pollen count has been very high as of late), digestive disturbances, improving blood flow to the uterus in the exciting hope to become pregnant, post surgical knee pain, calming a stressed mind, neck pain and upper back tension from computer use, once a month maintenance treatment, a pregnant patient in her last trimester with lower back and leg pain, a brand new mom who is exhausted, a woman going through in vitro fertilization, another woman who is going through menopause, a cancer patient going through chemotherapy, and an athlete whose body is banged up and sore from overexertion. As a mother I have found Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine to be very helpful when wanting to be prophylactic against issues, particularly ones that involve helping the boys’ immune systems. My boys let me do cupping to them when they have a cough, acupuncture and acupressure when they have a fever, and they take Chinese Herbs every day preventatively. It’s important to note that the companies that I use for my herbals are highly reputable, adhering to strict quality testing and manufacturing. Most days I am astounded at the progress patients are making. Through the teachings of Chinese medicine and each patient's dedication to actively incorporate good lifestyle choices , health is improved and goals are attained! This is truly the best part of the work that I do, and of course meeting those beautiful babies!
Blog postings by Natalie Maddox Rougie, AP, DACM owner of Palm Wellness in Tampa, FL.
September 2022