Stress can have a terrible effect on your life. All of us feel the effects differently and we all handle it differently. Some of the worst results of stress can lead to:
Acupuncture is the traditional Asian medical technique that involves the insertion of thin needles at skin-level, into key areas of the body. This technique has been federally regulated and research has shown that acupuncture has successfully treated many specific health problems. Healing is accomplished by regulating the flow of energy, called Qi, in the meridians, or energetic pathways of the body. Because this form of treatment regulates your energy, it can be very relaxing. Some patients relate the experience to having a massage and even fall asleep during their acupuncture session! One of the easiest forms of relief patients may see from acupuncture is stress relief. Alleviating stress has led to all kinds of healing, even more than you see in the list above. If you’re struggling with stress in your life that is leading to other health issues, contact your local acupuncture physician to see if they can help. Have an acupuncture success story? We love to hear about it! Leave a comment below!
Although Tampa was not listed on the Top 10 Worst Cities for Allergies list, there are many that suffer in our area, especially in the spring. Symptoms may include a runny nose, sneezing, skin irritations, watery itchy eyes, coughing, or difficulty breathing. The cause can be anything from pollen, to dust and some feel it the worst when around animal dander. You may have turned to over-the-counter medications, or even allergy shots, to find relief. When you find that those treatments are not enough, you might want to consider acupuncture instead. Acupuncture is defined by the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture as, “a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning. This is done by inserting needles and applying heat or electrical stimulation at very precise acupuncture points.” As a licensed acupuncture physician, I have helped many people find relief from their allergy symptoms. Some see results in the first visit, while others may need to come in for multiple sessions. The severity of the symptoms will dictate what number of treatments are necessary. While many allergy medicines will leave you feeling groggy, acupuncture has no negative side effects, and may even leave you feeling more energized. Contact Palm Wellness today to give it a try! Photo courtesy of jfl1066 |
Blog postings by Natalie Maddox Rougie, AP, DACM owner of Palm Wellness in Tampa, FL.
September 2022