Stress can have a terrible effect on your life. All of us feel the effects differently and we all handle it differently. Some of the worst results of stress can lead to:
Acupuncture is the traditional Asian medical technique that involves the insertion of thin needles at skin-level, into key areas of the body. This technique has been federally regulated and research has shown that acupuncture has successfully treated many specific health problems. Healing is accomplished by regulating the flow of energy, called Qi, in the meridians, or energetic pathways of the body. Because this form of treatment regulates your energy, it can be very relaxing. Some patients relate the experience to having a massage and even fall asleep during their acupuncture session! One of the easiest forms of relief patients may see from acupuncture is stress relief. Alleviating stress has led to all kinds of healing, even more than you see in the list above. If you’re struggling with stress in your life that is leading to other health issues, contact your local acupuncture physician to see if they can help. Have an acupuncture success story? We love to hear about it! Leave a comment below!
6/28/2018 10:46:34 pm
I found it interesting that acupuncture will not only relieve stress. As you mentioned, it also heals some sicknesses due to the process called Qi which regulates the flow of energy in the body. I think I might invite my boyfriend to go with me to experience this kind of treatment this weekend. He also has been feeling stressed due to his boss who keeps on giving him unimaginable deadlines, so it will help him relax for a while if we undergo this treatment. Thanks!
4/19/2022 09:55:08 pm
I want to help my colleague de-stress after tanking a week's worth of workload within two days. I never knew that an acupuncture session could help her achieve this by improving her mood and helping her relax. I should relay this information to her so she'd try it out.
9/19/2023 01:09:54 pm
I'm really glad you said that it can help with stress relief. For the past couple of weeks, my anxiety has been getting worse due to stress from my new job, so I was wondering what I could do to help me feel better. I'll have to look into trying acupuncture for my stress!
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Blog postings by Natalie Maddox Rougie, AP, DACM owner of Palm Wellness in Tampa, FL.
September 2022